Sunday, September 8, 2013

Internet Anonymity

I generally like to read the news online. It's great fun. Typically, I read it while I'm at work and one of my favorite news sources is Yahoo simply because...

1) It's not blocked...
2) It makes me laugh...

With each story, comes the inevitable comment section...usually littered with all sorts of dumb motherfuckers...

Having access to the internet, while a luxury within some societies, has made us a bunch of hate-mongering, self important jerks. It provides people who think they have a right to be heard (myself included) a mouthpiece to spew all sorts of vitriol and curses...without any way for anyone to retaliate in any way other than to respond in kind...

There's no sentence to be served. They continue to exist...spreading their ignorance and intolerance.

Today, I'd just like to highlight a couple of the repeat offenders out there...

Offender the First...The Source Hater...

"Way to go Yahoo...this isn't even news-worthy. You're nothing but a news site of hacks! Try reporting on something worthwhile..."

This guy (or gal) immediately rips into the source of the article...not understanding that they actually read the thing in the first place and will probably continue to read articles on that very same source every day...while ripping into many other articles in the exact same manner. It happens every time...

Normally, I would love to point this out but it's the internet...and while typing at it is akin to typing at a brick wall...I'd like to think the brick wall would have a more thought-provoking and intelligent point...

Offender the Second...The Ever-Present internet Troll...

-In response to the first guy..."Like how you love banging dudes?"

This one exists simply to get a rise out of you...or you...or ANYONE willing to read their dumb post...

The troll is there to piss everyone off for their own masturbatory (assuming) purposes...They could be bored while surfing the net and have nothing to add to a conversation in any way. Some folks make a habit of doing this constantly. It's absolutely annoying and just goes to show that anyone...even a narrow minded asswipe with nothing better to do and is likely a total pussy IRL can have big, brave internet balls...

Offender the Third...The Closet Racist...

"Has anybody looked into the racial demographics of that crime-ridden area?"

This guy, while being a racist, isn't exactly overt about it...

Sure...that kind of comment could go both ways...but when you read sort of sounds a little racist...right? Which leads to our next guy...

Offender the Fourth...The Overt Racist...

-In response to the third offender..."YEAH...I DID...BUNCH OF FILTHY "insert racial slur here" LIVING IN THAT AREA. BUNCH OF GANG-BANGING "insert racial slur here" IN NEED OF A BOMB DROPPED ON 'EM. WE SHOULD SEND THEM ALL BACK TO "country that isn't the United States"

These speak for themselves. It's a very good chance that these folks don't let the internet stop their true feelings while not they attend their clan rallies...and viciously post on their Facebook pages about how Obama is a Muslim and is turning the country into an Islamic State...

Offender the Fifth...The Meme Generator...

"Thanks Obama..."

This person has nothing new to add to the they only respond with internet memes that are either absolutely appropriate...or completely out of left field.

They are useless...

Offender the Sixth...The Champion Speller...

"Your wrong about teh righter of this. Raseism int teh probelm we need better schols for teaching"

This individual could have used a couple of extra grammar lessons from "there school" as this annoys the shit out of anyone who has ever put pen to paper in a capacity involving more than a game of MASH...

In short...I hate Offender the Sixth with the power of a million exploding suns...

Offender the Seventh...The Rotten, No Good, Disrespectful, Short Attention Span Having, Uninformed, Lazy, Terrible, Uneducated, Selfie-Obsessed Tweenager...

"Well your a gay n*&^%r. Bro u shud meet me so well fight lol i fougt ur m0m last night n she wuz all about meeeeeeeeeee

Somebody...please take the internet away from these future titans of industry. I seriously fear for our future with the kids these days...

They're so stupid on paper that it makes me want to track down their parents and beat them about the head with a crowbar for ever deciding to procreate...'s more likely that their children re nothing more than mistakes born out of the desire to bone after getting drunk/high and forgetting to throw on a condom/pull out...etc...

Yes...mistakes is what they are...un-fixable, un-accounted for, unruly mistakes that will one day become everybody's problem...

Fucking Internet...

If you know a type...inform myself and the readers in the comment section. I always appreciate a good convo...

If you're the type of commentator from my list above...go fuck yourself...I'll just delete your shitty comment anyway...

Lunatic Out...

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

40 Things I Learned from Jersey to Utah...

I've taken quite a few road trips in my short and mostly uneventful life...from Alaska to New Jersey...down to Texas...Flordia...really...all corners of these United States...

You learn a

Here's a list of things I learned about travelling...

1) Cars get smaller the longer you are in them...
2) Towing things adds an entirely new worry...
3) Nobody knows how to merge onto an expressway...
4) The worst drivers are from New York, California and Texas...*
(*My reasoning for this is as follows...if you pass them while using cruise control...they will intentionally speed up to pass you back...they cross multiple lanes at mach speed with little to no regard for anyone else on the road...they don't signal...they don't care for your speed, especially when cutting you off...all in all, they're just a bunch of jerkoffs behind the wheel of a 5 thousand pound death machine...)
5) Nobody ever leaves Delaware or North Dakota...
6) License plate counting never gets old...
7) Colorado has a diverse array of license plates...all of which I hate...
8) Kansas is the worst...
9) The mid-west holds some really ugly people in...
10) Denver is a city...and also the name of a dinosaur from the 80s who claimed to be the last of his kind...
11) The worlds largest rodent is named Rosco...
12) Rattlesnakes are capable of petting baby pigs...
13) The worlds largest wind-chime is in Kansas...
14) The further West you go...the stranger the town names become...
15) The Blimpie in Green River, UT is the cleanest place I've ever eaten at*
(*Keep in mind...this place was at a run-down truck stop in a town that smelled the middle of to go Green River Blimpie...)
16) Some places have more flies than food...
17) I can only handle the tounge clicking noise for .06 seconds...
18) Most top 20 stations only have that many songs...
19) Mountains are tall...go figure...
20) Colorado warns truckers that there are more steep grades considerate...
21) Runaway truck ramps work...
22) Holiday Inn isn't bad...
23) The wind is out to get you...
24) America loves Taco Bell...
25) Gas prices go up the further West you go...
26) I-70 is fucking long...
27) Screw you, Kansas...
28) Dairy Queen is pretty good after 5 days of travel...
29) Birds aren't car proof...
30) I can lift a trailer...
31) Many people are loud and boorish...especially those in Hotels...
32) Old people have interesting stories about Mexico...
33) Rum and coke in Ohio tastes the same as it does anywhere else...
34) Kansas City has late night street races on I-435...(cops...ignore this...)
35) There are a lot of Camaros out there in the world...but only East of Colorado...
36) I grind my teeth while I drive...
37) Pizza Hut wings are not very good...
38) Arriving at your destination is almost like winning an're done with travelling and all...but there's always more to do...
39) Seriously...Fuck Kansas...
40) If you have a tarp for the things you're's important to also purchase a cargo keep the tarp down...for made my freakin day when I didn't have tarp flapping about all over the place in my rear-view...

The trip is over but long from finished...we'll fly from Vegas back East next maybe I'll learn a bit from that excursion as well...

Stay Frosty...


Thursday, July 4, 2013

The AMERICAN bonus List for the Week...


I'm happy to live in this country...because damn it...I love pork products. pretty great...

Here's a list of the most "Merican things I can come up with...

1) New York City...
2) Tampon Commercials...(we don't give a shit)
3) Diarrhea Medicine Commercials (we have no choice but to shit)
4) Pizza... (fuck off,'s ours now)
5) Big Screen TVs...
6) Red Meat...
7) The KFC Double Down...
8) The Steak Double Down that I never got to see eaten but was attempted by a guy I know the day after I left my TDY location a few years ago...Not only did he demolish it...but then went on to squat the weight of not 1 or 2 or 3...but 4 fully loaded C-130 Aircraft in 135 degree heat with 100% humidity...long story short...FLEX is the man...
9) Captain America...(no shit?)
10) Twilight Zone Marathons on every major holiday (thanks SYFY...)
11) Mel Brooks (he got comedy before comedy was comedy...)
12) The 'Fonz...
13) Muscle Cars...
14) Bacon
15) The Baconator (too bad Wendy's food is shit...)
16) Complaining about elected officials on 24 hour news networks...
17) Bitching about new stuff once you get the new stuff that wasn't the new stuff you wanted...
18) My Super Sweet Sixteen...and while I'm on the subject...
     The above mentioned show is one of the biggest piles of shit to come out of MTV since the last time they decided to drop a big Cleveland Steamer on the chest of America when they stopped showing real music videos. We should probably blame you for influencing the youth of our nation by showing them how great it is to be raised rich. Nevermind...I blame the parents that let their kids even watch that garbage. You're part of the problem...parents...quit letting them watch that shit and maybe it'll go away...Nobody should let their kids carry on like that because the brand new Lexus they got wasn't the right color...WHAT?!?! YOUR BRAND NEW LEXUS ISN'T THE RIGHT COLOR!? I kind of want to smash that kids' head in with a gold plated hammer right now...put that kid in the middle of a bad neighborhood for just 60 seconds...just 60 magical seconds...and videotape it...because I will buy, watch, rewind and watch over and over and over again...
19) Ordering take-out online...
20) E-Harmony...
21) Ordering Groceries online...
22) Black People Meet
23) Christian Mingle
24) Anything that doesn't require talking to anybody, ever...
25) Batman...
26) The Cheeseburger (fuck you,'s ours now)
27) Apple Pie cooling on a windowsill while a couple of no-good street toughs concoct a plan to steal the aforementioned pie...
28) Archie Comics...
29) Bum Fights...
30) Girls Gone Wild featuring Snoop Dogg...
31) Back to the Future...
32) Stephen Spielberg...
33) The Universal Monsters...
34) Arena Rock...
35) Rock and Roll in General...
36) The Blues...
37) Gindhouse Cinema
38) Bruce Campbell...
39) The Miss USA Contest...
40) Monday Night Football...
41) Beer commercials where nobody ever drinks the beer...
42) Menthol Smokes...
43) Cheech and Chong...
44) Phantasm....
45) Anything by Clive Barker, Geroge Romero, Wes Craven, and the rest of our 70s-80s horror gods...
and finally...
46) Riding on the back of a giant bald eagle while raining fire down on your enemies listening to Ted Nugent play the National Anthem and eating a rare steak while firing flaming arrows into the sky as explosions occur directly behind you while you wear your Apollo Creed US Flag boxing shorts immediately after your training montage...simply beautiful...

Happy Independence Day to my fellow US deployed buddies in The Iraq and The Afghanistan other countries that don't have maps...

Hit the comments with your most 'Merican thoughts...and share this blog with your friends because there's nothing more American than...

47) Shameless promotion of your ideas through friends...


Bully? Bully!

I watch a lot of Cartoon Network...I mean...a lot. I've got 2 kiddos, aged 3 and 9 and they love that stuff. One thing that keeps popping across the screen is this mess about bullying and how it "won't be tolerated" and "hurts everyone"...

I have a simple question...

When did we turn into a bunch of whiny little turds?

I'm not sure who the bully is...since they're grabbing each others' shirts...

Ok, class...raise your hand if someone has ever given you a hard time...

Ok, good. Now that I see that most everyone has their hands up...did it ruin your life? Did it make you less of a person? Were your "Feewings Huwt?" Holy shit...give it a rest...

I got bullied a few times as a kid...guess what happened? I turned out mother-effin awesome. In fact, I think it made me a bit more tough, in a way. My super-awesome mother always told me "Walk away from someone who wants to never need to raise your fists to someone"...and she was right. I used to roughhouse with friends all the time and that was fine, but big-time, one on one fights? Never felt the need to do it. "It takes a bigger man..." she would say. Damn it...Mom was right...until one time. 

Don't forget to wash your ass, Tommy...

One kid used to bust my balls more than the others and I stuck to what Mom said. He wouldn't quit...would even do it in front of his mom. My Mom says "Hey...could you tell your kid to stop?" and she got shrugged off. mom gave me this next piece of awesome advice... "Tommy, if he touches you one more time, I want you to beat the shit out of him. Don't stop hitting him until he's bleeding or he starts crying." What a 180...right?

So it came to that. We each popped one another. called it quits...and got on with our lives. Never bothered me again after that. Bygones were bygones...and nobody killed themselves. Now a days...if someone doesn't let you sit at their table...they're bullying you...and that's a load of HORSE POOPY...

That's not even close to bullying! That's some kid being a DWESH-BAG...and we're surrounded by those on a daily basis

Not now Chief...I'm in the fuckin' zone...

The generation I'm growing up with didn't appear to get hugged enough...they raise their kids as though their porcelain dolls that will crack under the slightest amount of pressure...

The kid gloves are constantly on with these people and it makes me sick...I mean...seriously! I raise my kids to treat other people with hopefully they turn out like that. If my kids turn out to be little jerks, I'll correct it on the I so often do...

Harder than it looks...but keeps them in line...

People need to stop this nonsense or we're going to grow up having to deal with a bunch of entitled little shit-heads who think the world...owes...them...some...

...son of a bitch...

Alright...alright...let me reset here...

Hold it in for 5 seconds...minimum...

Can we please get a hold of ourselves and maybe teach our kids that getting your balls busted is a fact of life. We're not all taught the same things as other people. I'm gonna teach my kids the same thing my own mother taught me. Be respectful...don't pick fights...never throw hands first...and ignore the little jerk-off who's giving you trouble...more often than not, they've got some problems that will either work themselves out...or culminate in a crazy killing spree...

Long story short, handle your the eff up...and stop screwing the next generation by turning them into a pack of whiny little bitches...


Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Weekly List of Important Things!

It's sometimes difficult to come up with a list of things...terribly difficult. You can look for inspiration in just about today...

Here's a list of things that piss me off (this week)

1) Poorly scripted newscasts...
2) Intolerant assholes...
3) The stupidity of people in large groups...
4) The hypocrisy of those same people...
5) Humidity...
6) Losing at Super Smash Brothers...
7) Chef Lilian Garcia (still)...
8) People who think taco Bell is Mexican food...
9) Inconsistent weather patterns...
10) Poachers...
11) Syria...
12) The remake of "Nightmare on Elm Street"...
13) Richard Matheson dying...
14) Doink The Clown (also dead)...
15) Television ads that have nothing to do with what they're selling...
16) Gnats...
17) The color Orange...
18) People that think wrestling is real...
19) People who use the "blank week Anniversary" Anniversary implies a year has dipshit...
20) Bad speeeeeeeeellers...
22) Thunderstorms...
23) Thunderstorms when you're doing something outside...
24) Party Planning...
25) My lack of a guitarist...
26) James Van Der Beek (screw you Dawson)...
27) Justin Effing Bieber...I mean, seriously...what a little turd...runs around like his shit don't stink even and has this total sense of being owed something because he can sing...I can't wait until he's on celebrity rehab or something and then has an unfortunate overdose that doesn't kill him...but leaves him desperate for more drugs, desperate, in fact, that he has to do unspeakable things in dingy alleyways behind drug stores in order to score his next fix...and then when he's caught, he makes some silly youtube apology where he still will probably act like the total douche-nozzle he is...then he gets feline AIDS and dies...
28) Usher...for exposing the world to the little bastard up at number 27...
29) Justin Bieber again for even making me mad enough to include him in one of my lists...
30) Entitled 20 somethings...(still feeding off the hate)
31) Entitled 60 somethings...
32) State Farm commercials...
33) Disney...all your programming is terrible...your sitcoms are the worst thing I've ever seen...your stars are anything but...and your father figures on said shows are always left looking like retards...
34) Jeff Dunham...Achmed The Dead Terrorist was funny for 36 seconds a few years stop it
35) People who still post Achmed the Dead Terrorist videos like they're new...see above...
36) The Wicked Witch of the West...where do you get off....I mean...who do you think you are?
37) People who consider anything on grocery store news-stands as actual news...No...I don't fucking care that Kate Middleton is pregnant and I don't give a shit what the gender of the baby is...those assholes don't even know who you why should we be made to pay attention to them?
38) People who take offense to the above comment...
39) People who take offense to anything...unless it effects you personally, in a physical manner...let it use losing sleep over it...
40) Jason Patrick...ewwwwwwwww...
41) The excuse that you're too fat to work work out to not be get off your ass and jog a little...

It's a short list...but those were the things that came to mind...what pisses you off?

Please comment below and let me know. I've been at this a week now and nobody else seems to have an opinion...which is strange since the internet provides everyone with a big set of internet balls, which enables them to feel that they can say whatever they want...because they can...


Lunatic Out...

Thursday, June 27, 2013

What is Best in Life?

Fooled you...

This isn't a post about Conan the Barbarian...though it would make for a great conversation starter...

But seriously...think about that question. What really IS best in life? Depending on who you talk to...the range of answers can be something as mundane as sitting in silence...all the way up to bat-shit bathing in the blood of virgins to keep that youthful vigorous look about your skin...

Needs more iron...

What gets me the most is that ever present search for things that make us happiest. For example, I know people who crave nothing more than to own everything ever. Material items bring them joy and showing them off brings them's kind of the human condition. I don't know if it's innate in all human beings to want equate personal wealth to happiness...


Listen...if acquiring vast amounts of wealth is what makes you happy...then by Buddha you DO IT...get that paper, son/daughter/child...because it isn't gonna get itself. That only happens to octogenarians who happen to play the lotto every day of their super old lives...

Sometimes, it's having a great, big family is your path to happiness. Lots of folks do it. Their children...their offspring...their mark on the world. That's where their happiness lies. Sometimes, people parley this particular love of family into a budding business. I see on the old boob tube there's a family with 20 kids or something. That lady's insides probably resemble the New York City Subway...with displaced travelers...people talking to themselves...some guy sleeping with his beats headphones on listening to some college rock with an open copy of "Atlas Shrugged" slumped across his chest. Also...there's a homeless guy shitting in the corner for some reason...

Speaks for itself...

I won't denounce people spewing out kids at their leisure. As long as you can support them bang it out, baby...but if you end up on Maury Povitch looking for the father of the baby and collecting them welfare checks cause your kids are walking dollar signs...please place your neck on some railroad tracks and wait for the 4 o clock...because you're lower than worm shit and deserve to die...

As for me...I find my happiness where I can get it. There isn't one single thing that brings me the elation that something else does. I find happiness in it all. Every day above ground, sucking in oxygen, is a reason to be happy. There's a lot to bask in when you really take a minute, a deep breath and a look around. Music, art, human interaction (with people you can stand) and the occasional "someone falling" is a reason to let out a laugh every now and'll make you feel good...most of the time...

I laugh every time someone falls down...and you should too...

Lunatic Out...

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Cause Boobs is What We Crave...

I dare you to go find a a book...hell...look at the internet.

What you'll find, many times, is something scantily clad, trying to sell you something...or make you stop wearing fur...or stop you from eating meat (delicious meat)...

Sex sells...oh boy does sex sell. There's nothing more boner-inducing (for some people) than a barely clothed model doing something suggestive with a piece of electronic equipment. That'll get you to buy it, right?

Tastes like capitalism...

The above image is something that is thrust in our faces on a daily basis. The sexy electronics chick. Man...I wonder what that laptop tastes like. My guess? Snozzberries...

Which leads me to my point. I had to sit in on yet ANOTHER meeting about sexual assault today while at work. 30 more minutes of my time...simply wasted on a problem that has always been a problem until people in high positions get caught being a part of said problem. My particular peer-set is supposed to be held to higher standards in our sweet country due to standards of discipline and good conduct...and yet these awful things keep happening. We say we've got to put a stop to it...

Of course, I find this particular idea absolutely ludicrous...and here's why...


Our "culture" in this country is the problem. It slaps us in the face on a daily basis. What the aim for my group of people to to stamp it out completely. We want to strangle it in the cradle and bury it in the back yard near the other terrible things...

It's not just about the ladies though...

Some Fancy Ketchup with your schwooper?

While more rare, these ads target the ladies as well...and we accept it. If you want to stomp out sexual assault, you can do it in one of three ways...

1) Immediately murder the sexual assaulter/rapist upon conviction...with a front of high school freshmen...

While recent events (the football player who was locked up for years even though the accuser later admitted to lying) could make this particular punishment seem would certainly deter anyone from wanting to sexually assault/rape anything...

2) Sex Contract...Chapelle had it right...

3) Ban anything even remotely sexual. Sanitize all media. Live like a drone. Die.

Imagine...if you will...a society of Robutts...

Long story short...none of the above scenarios are going to our "culture of the sexy" will persist...and probably intensify in the coming decades. You're never going to stop sexual assault/rape from being a thing. Animals great and small...suck like that. There are some of us out there that simply can't resist finding something to rape and then raping it...and those fuckers deserve an Anton Chigur style death. Taking on something as massive as this with unrealistic expectations of destroying it out-right is like dry humping a block of ice. Sure, it might feel ok at the start...but all you're going to end up with is frozen genitalia, wet clothes...and a pool of water and shattered dreams at your feet. If that doesn't make any sense to're absolutely right...
